Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Trained in working with victims of of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) to provide
safety planning
support to help you feel less isolated
information to help you make informed decisions about their safety and relationships
Victim of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
In various forms relationships, including:
within a marriage, common-law or dating relationship
at any time during a relationship and even after it has ended
whether or not partners live together or are sexually intimate with one another
Forms of Abuse:
Physical abuse - intentional or threatened use of physical force.
Criminal harassment - fear for ones safety or safety of loved one.
Sexual violence - threats and non-consensual sex.
Emotional / psychological abuse - insults, belittling, constant humiliation, intimidation, threats of harm etc.
Financial abuse - control or misuse of money, access to school or job.
Coercive control - patterns of control and abuse that causes fear or terror.